Sunday, February 17, 2013

Quiz (Wölfflin & Panofsky)

These should give you an idea of the kind of questions than will appear in the exam. If anything the exam will be easier in a multiple choice format.
  1. What is the Traditional binary of art history and its criticism?
  2. How many categories of 'visual representation' did Wölfflin espouse to differentiate between the classical and baroque periods of the renaissance?
  3. Name a German philosopher who influenced  Wölfflin.
  4. Name the motivating principle of progress in human culture as understood by Wölfflin "Absolute _______"
  5. The men and women of independent means who studied art to distinguish authorship and originals from fakes were known as 'C___________'
 Complete the following categories of representation  

     6. '______ and painterly'

     7. '________ and relative clarity'

     8. 'Multiplicity and _____'

     9. 'Plane and _______'

     10. 'Pentatonic _________'

11. Name one of Panofsky's influences other than Wölfflin?

12. What is the third tier of Panofsky's methodology?

13. As understood by Warburg, what is 'mnemosyne'?

14. The application of classical iconography to maintain authenticity along with an         intuitive and objective approach to 'eternal form' was called 'P___________'


1. Form and Content.
2. Five
3. Georg Hegel 
Here's a great summary of Hegel's oeuvre . Section 2.2  addresses the concept of 'absolute spirit'.

4. Spirit
5. Connoisseurs
6. Linear
7. Absolute
8. Unity
9. Recession
10. FALSE!
11. Aby Warburg or Ernst Cassier
12. Iconology
13. Collective Memory 

Warburgs Mnemosyne Atlas was an a attempt at creating a visual record of this collective memory.
14. Pathosformel
Here's a link on the German Wikipedia.
if you don't read German. If you don't read German you can use google chrome or google translate (very useful!)


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